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 Equipment >> 2007 >> Atomic >> Snowboard >> Alibi Wide
Atomic  Maker:  Atomic
 Category:  Snowboard
 Model:  Alibi Wide
 Year:  2007

4.5 Stars Based based on
2 votes on 2015-03-31 13:29:11
Twin Prog Sidecut
Stone ground Sintered 7200 Base
Truth 3 CNC Milled Wood Core
D4 Atomic Fiberglass
1 degree Power Bevel
4x2 Insert Pattern, shifted back
Inter-Carbon SPB’s
Foil Stamp Logo treatment
Atomic Alibi Wide, 2007
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A year after the mid-wide phenomenon, some shreds were just not happy, particularly those with way larger than average feet. This year we are proud to offer a high end full on wide board. The same award winning design of the Alibi for those with the large feet or those looking for a little more float in the pow, pow gnar.
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