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 Equipment >> 2011 >> TechNine >> Snowboard >> Split T Bombin
 Maker:  TechNine
 Category:  Snowboard
 Model:  Split T Bombin
 Year:  2011

3.5 Stars Based based on
4 votes on 2022-03-24 00:23:49
Board Type: Twin
Riding Type: Freestyle, All mountain
Sidecut Info: Radial
Flex Pattern: Centered medium flex, Rates 3 on Flex scale
Core Info: Power Tech Core
Fiberglass: Stitched bi-axial laminate
Base: Extruded IS 1320 with screened art
Graphic Features: High gloss and rough touch effects with foil stamp lace lock
Available Sizes: 149, 153, 157, 160
TechNine Split T Bombin, 2011
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Never Summer-Evo-R
Every year, we design the Split T for riders who want a softer, more forgiving board. Every year, our team riders snap ‘em up because the same characteristics which make these the ultimate all-around snowboard makes the perfect all-around board for our team! The Poplar wood core pervades stability at high speeds while remaining forgiving. Turns will feel natural and smooth on this directional all mountain ride. This board will hold up for years and become your best friend as you progress. Another great thing about it is the price tag! The cash you save will mean more days on the mountain...
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