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 Equipment >> 2007 >> Hammer >> Snowboard >> Seymour
Hammer  Maker:  Hammer
 Category:  Snowboard
 Model:  Seymour
 Year:  2007

3.5 Stars on 2010-07-30 15:32:17
SK8 construction
Extruded base
Slant Sidewalls
20 inserts 4x2: here is the perfect cocktail for a real allround women deck.
Sizes: 143, 148, 153
Hammer Seymour, 2007
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A true girlie’s specific board built for their needs in terms of shaping, flex and insert positioning, reasonably priced with a soft and styled design. The Seymour will help your riding needs to reach new heights.
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Style and fun. The Seymour is sensual, easy, and highly efficient in all occasions. More»

by Anonymous on 02.14.2024
Strengths: easy to manage
Weaknesses: not the fastest board, but for the price it`s great