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 Equipment >> 2011 >> Forum >> Boots >> Mist
Forum  Maker:  Forum
 Category:  Boots
 Model:  Mist
 Year:  2011
 Price:  $140 (MSRP)

3.5 Stars Based based on
2 votes on 2024-10-08 06:20:24
Softer Flex: 3
Lacing System: Speed Zone
Integrated Liner
Footbed: Level 1
Origin Injected Outsole
Available Colors: Black Mint Licorice and White ’n Stuff
Forum Mist, 2011
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Light and airy. The Mist is the lightest, most affordable women’s Speed Zone boot available. An Integrated liner and an Origin injected outsole help cut the weight, but not the comfort or performance. Speed Zone makes for quick mornings and more laps, while the Level 1 footbed ensures comfy feet ready to handle all-day riding.
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