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Nitro  Maker:  Nitro
 Category:  Snowboard
 Model:  Sub Zero
 Year:  2011

4 Stars Based based on
3 votes on 2013-12-10 08:19:39
Shape: Twin
Camber:Gulwing + Drifter Base
Flex: Urban
Width: Standard-Width
Combat Core
Dual Degressive Sidecut
Bi-Lite Laminates
Profile Tip
Hi-Def FH Base
Available Sizes: 148, 152, 155, 158
Nitro Sub Zero, 2011
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While other companies were testing the waters with too many, confusing reverse camber stories, we were perfecting our Gullwing camber getting it dialed right from the start. The Subzero is the ultimate in urban and rail riding. The combination of Gullwing camber and our unbreakable Combat core makes your technical street riding easier and bulletproof. It does this by relieving pressure from the contact points so all the control is right between your feet and still provides solid ollie power without sogging out. We have also added our Drifter base that slightly raises the edges away from the snow right between your feet to make it easier to get through kinks without hang ups. This board will allow you to break through to a never seen before level of riding.
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