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Rossignol  Maker:  Rossignol
 Category:  Snowboard
 Model:  Circus AmpTek
 Year:  2011

4.5 Stars Based based on
2 votes on 2012-12-20 16:58:34
AmpTek All Mountain Freestyle
Directional Twin shape
Wood 6420 core
Sintered 4400 base density
Print base detail
High gloss with Foil stamp & transparent inks
Flex rate : 6/10
Available Sizes: 144, 147, 150, 153
Rossignol Circus AmpTek, 2011
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Never Summer-Revolver
Doo-pop and you don’t stop. Rossignol’s new soul ride, directional twin crooning crusader keeping the ladies lucky with its new take on the distinguished All Mountain AmpTek: easier pop, easier punch, easier stability, easier maneuverability, easier switch, easier rotations, easier floats, easier butters, easier presses, etc, etc. And the list goes on and on and on.
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